let's sing in indonesian!
Learn Indonesian through songs. With English translation, you will understand better the meaning of each songs. Ayo menyanyi!
Indonesian Kids Song
Disini Senang / Disana Senang
Disini senang, disana senang,
Dimana-mana hatiku senang
Disini senang, disana senang,
Dimana-mana hatiku senang
Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Happy here, Happy there,
I am happy everywhere.
Happy here, Happy there,
I am happy everywhere.
Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Kepala, Pundak, Lutut, Kaki
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki,
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki
Mata, telinga, mulut, hidung dan pipi
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose, and cheeks
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Cicak-Cicak di Dinding
Cicak, cicak di dinding
diam-diam merayap,
datang seekor nyamuk
hap.....lalu ditangkap
Lizard, lizard on the wall
Quietly walk on the wall
Here comes Mr. Mosquito
Hup......get into his mouth…
Indonesian National / Patriotic Songs
Indonesia Raya
Indonesia tanah airku, Tanah tumpah darahku. Disanalah aku berdiri Jadi pandu ibuku
Indonesia kebangsaanku Bangsa dan Tanah Airku
Marilah kita berseru Indonesia bersatu
Hiduplah tanahku Hiduplah negriku Bangsaku Rakyatku semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya Bangunlah badannya Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya Merdeka Merdeka Tanahku negriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya Merdeka Merdeka Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
Indonesia, my native land, My place of birth. Where I stand guard, Over my motherland
Indonesia, my nationality, my people and my country
Let us all cry, For united Indonesia.
Long live my land, Long live my country, My nation and all my people.
Arouse their spirit, Arouse their bodies, For Great Indonesia.
Great Indonesia, free and independent, The land, the country I love
Great Indonesia, free and independent, Long live Indonesia.
Tanah Airku
Tanah air ku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh
Tidakkan hilang dari kalbu
Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargai
Walaupun banyak negeri kujalani
Yang mahsyur permai di kata orang
Tetapi kampung dan rumahku
Disanalah ku rasa senang
Tanah ku tak kulupakan
Engkau kubanggakan
My homeland, I will never forget it
You will be remembered forever in my life
Even if I go far away
You will never disappear from my heart
My land that I love
I appreciate you
Even though I visit many countries
The best in people's words
But my hometown and my home
There i will happy
My land I will never forget
I am proud of you
Garuda Pancasila
Garuda Pancasila, Akulah pendukungmu
Patriot proklamasi, Sedia berkorban untukmu
Pancasila dasar negara, Rakyat adil makmur sentosa, Pribadi bangsaku
Ayo maju maju, Ayo maju maju, Ayo maju maju!
Garuda Pancasila, I'm your supporter
Proclamation's patriot is ready to sacrifice for you
Pancasila is our country's foundation, (With Pancasila) The people are living in justice, prosperous, and safe. My nation's personality.
Let's go forward. Let's go forward. Let's go forward!
Bendera (The Flag)
Biar saja ku tak sehebat matahari. Tapi s'lalu ku coba tuk' menghangatkanmu
Biar saja ku tak setegar batu karang. Tapi s'lalu ku coba tuk' melindungimu
Biar saja ku tak seharum bunga mawar. Tapi s'lalu ku coba tuk mengharumkanmu
Biar saja ku tak seelok langit sore. Tapi s'lalu ku coba tuk mengindahkanmu
Ku pertahankan kau demi kehormatan bangsa. Ku pertahankan kau demi tumpah darah
Semua pahlawan-pahlawanku
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar. Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar. Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar. Ku akan slalu menjagamu ........ oh oh oh
I was not as good as the sun, but I always try to warm you
I was not as tough as the stone, but I always try to protect you
I was not as fragrant as the roses, but I always try to scent you
I was not as beautiful as the evening sky, I always try to beautify you
I defend you for the nation's honor
I defend you for the blood sacrifice of my late heroes
The Red and White, please keep flying. At the highest flagpole of my Indonesia
The Red and White, please keep flying. At the highest flagpole of my Indonesia
The Red and White, please keep flying. I'll always keep you
Indonesian Pop Songs
Laskar Pelangi
Mimpi adalah kunci. Untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
Berlarilah tanpa lelah. Sampai engkau meraihnya
Laskar pelangi. Takkan terikat waktu
Bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa. Warnai bintang di jiwa
Menarilah dan terus tertawa. Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa. Cinta kita di dunia
Cinta kepada hidup. Memberikan senyuman abadi
Walau hidup kadang tak adil. Tapi cinta lengkapi kita
Laskar pelangi. Takkan terikat waktu
Jangan berhenti mewarnai. Jutaan mimpi di bumi
Menarilah dan terus tertawa. Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa. Cinta kita di dunia
Dream is our key to conquer the world.
Run tirelessly until you make it come true.
The rainbow troop won't be bound by time.
Set your dreams free in the sky. Paint the stars in your soul with colors.
So just dance and keep on laughing, though the world is not as beautiful as the paradise.
Be grateful to the almighty, for our love in this world is immortal.
Our love to this life gives eternal smile.
Though sometimes life might unfair, but love makes us complete.
The rainbow troop won't be bound by time.
Set your dreams free in the sky. Paint the stars in your soul with colors.
So just dance and keep on laughing, though the world is not as beautiful as the paradise.
Be grateful to the almighty, for our love in this world is immortal.
Dangdut is The Music of My Country
Siapa tidak mengakui perbedaan. Tidak pernah diajari di sekolah.
Semua orang macam-macam diciptakan. Cakep atau jelek semua punya perasaan
Ada orang Batak, ada orang Jawa, ada orang Ambon, ada juga orang Padang, ada orang Menado, ada orang Madura, ada orang Papua, tidak disebut jangan marah
Apakah yang dapat menyatukan kita? Salah satunya dengan musik
Dangdut is the music of my country
Dangdut is the music of my country, my country, of my country
Dangdut is the music of my country, my country, of my country. Oh my country
Kalo mengaku ngerti tentang persatuan, mengapa adu domba mudah dilakukan
Kenapa semua mudah hilang kesabaran. Kenapa semua mudah diprovokasikan
Ada kulit hitam, ada kulit putih, ada rambut panjang, ada juga rambut keriting, ada mata besar, ada mata sipit, ada orang kaya, ada juga orang miskin
Whoever does not respect differences, has learnt nothing in school
Human beings are created in various kinds. They all have hearts whether look nice or ugly.
There are the Bataknese , there are the Javanese, there are the Ambonese, there are the Padangnese, there are the manadonese, there are the Maduranese, there are the Papuanese, left unmentioned don't get angry.
What can unite us? One way is with music
Dangdut is the music of my country
Dangdut is the music of my country, my country, of my country
Dangdut is the music of my country, my country, of my country. Oh my country
If unity is claimed to be understood, then why is everybody easily pitted against each other?
Why does everybody easily loss their temper? Why is everything easily provoked?
There are black and white skinned-people, there are long hair and curly-haired people, there are big and slanted eyes, there are the rich and also the poor man.
Yang Terbaik Bagimu
Teringat masa kecilku. Kau peluk dan kau manja
Indahnya saat itu buatku melambung
Disisimu terngiang hangat nafas segar harum tubuhmu
Kau tuturkan segala mimpi-mimpi serta harapanmu
Kau ingin ku menjadi yang terbaik bagimu
Patuhi perintahmu, jauhkan godaan
Yang mungkin kulakukan dalam waktuku beranjak dewasa
Jangan sampai membuatku terbelenggu jatuh dan terinjak
Reff :
Tuhan tolonglah sampaikan sejuta sayangku untuknya
Ku terus berjanji tak kan khianati pintanya
Ayah dengarlah betapa sesungguhnya ku mencintaimu
Kan ku buktikan ku mampu penuhi maumu
Andaikan detik itu kan bergulir kembali
Kurindukan suasana basuh jiwaku
Membahagiakan aku yang haus akan kasih dan sayangmu
Tuk wujudkan segala sesuatu yang pernah terlewati
Remembering my childhood, you hugged and indulged me.
What a wonderful moment, I felt like flying.
By your side I could feel you fragrance and warm breath.
You told me all your dreams and hopes.
You wanted me to be the best for you.
Obeying your order to stay away from temptations that might misguide me as I grew up.
And not to let it trap and bring me down.
God, please help me to send a million loves for him.
I will keep my promise not to betray his hopes.
Father please listen how much I truly love you.
I will prove you I can fulfill your wishes.
I wish that the moment could be brought back
I miss that moment to wash my soul and bring happiness to me who is always thirsty of your love and affection. To bring into reality all the things that have been forgotten and left behind.
Sekian lama. Ku memendam rasa ini
Terlalu dalam. Berat hatiku menahan
Dengar aku sejenak. Sedikit waktu berarti
Beri aku kesempatan. Bicara tentang isi hati
Bila kau terima aku kan mencoba mengajakmu tuk terbang ke angkasa
Keujung dunia tujuh benua, lima samudera
Sampai Antartika, Antartika
Ku akan mencoba yang aku bisa
Dengar aku sejenak. Sedikit waktu berarti
Beri aku kesempatan. Bicara tentang isi hati
Dengar aku sejenak untuk ku menyatakan selama ini apa yang ku rasa
Sudah terlalu lama mungkin ini saatnya ke Antartika, Antartika
Ku akan mencoba yang aku bisa
Come on baby
To the highest mountain
To the moon and stars
We can touch the sky
You and I Ke Antartika
For quite a while, I've been hiding my feelings
It's getting too deep, too heavy to hold
Listen to me... just for a minute
Give me a chance to speak my heart
If you accept me, I'll try to take you fly to the sky
Around the world, seven continent, five ocean
If you accept me, I'll try to take you fly to the sky
Around the world, seven continent, five ocean
Till we reach Antartica, Antartica
I will see what I can do
Listen to me... just for a minute
Give me a chance to speak my heart
Listen to me, I am trying to say something
What I've been feeling for all this time
It has been too long. Maybe it's time to go to Antartica, Antartica.
I'll see what I can do